B. Morrell, K. Otsu, A. Agha, D. Fan, S. Kim, M.F. Ginting, X. Lei, J. Edlund, S. Fakoorian, A. Bouman, F. Chavez, T. Kim, G.J. Correa, M. Saboia Da Silva, A. Santamaria-Navarro, et al.
IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics, 1: 476-526, 2024
This article presents an appendix to the original NeBula autonomy solution developed by the Team Collaborative SubTerranean Autonomous Robots (CoSTAR), participating in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Specifically, this article presents extensions to NeBula’s hardware, software, and algorithmic components that focus on increasing the range and scale of the exploration environment. From the algorithmic perspective, we discuss the following extensions to the original NeBula framework: 1) large-scale geometric and semantic environment mapping; 2) an adaptive positioning system; 3) probabilistic traversability analysis and local planning; 4) large-scale partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP)-based global motion planning and exploration behavior; 5) large-scale networking and decentralized reasoning; 6) communicationaware mission planning; and 7) multimodal ground–aerial exploration solutions.We demonstrate the application and deployment of the presented systems and solutions in various large-scale underground environments, including limestone mine exploration scenarios as well as deployment in the DARPA Subterranean challenge.