Book: Visual Guidance of UAMs

 Angel Santamaria-Navarro, PhD
 Assistant Professor at UPC
 Robotics Researcher at IRI (CSIC-UPC)
 Barcelona, Catalunya

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Featured news and events

    Horizon Europe project TRIFFID accepted.
    Project BotNet accepted (funded by “Ajt. de BCN” and La Caixa foundation).
    Journal paper accepted at Transportation Research Procedia .
    Granted R3 acreditation as consolidated researcher.
    SP National project LENA accepted.
    Conference paper accepted at ARSO 2023 (Berlin).
    New workshop paper accepter at ICRA 2023 (London).
    New article collaboration for the Spanish newspaper ABC .
    Foundation of the Spin-off Vaive Logistics s.l..
    Kick-off of my AUDEL project.
    SP National project AUDEL accepted.
    Chair of Intelligent Transportation Systems (2) at IROS 2022, Kyoto.
    Classification of team Providence+ for the semifinals of the XPRIZE Rainforest Challenge .
    Journal paper accepted for publication at IEEE RA-L .
    Seminar at BCN drone center on drone technologies.
    Successful demo of the EU LogiSmile project.
    Online Seminar at Jacobs .
    Journal paper accepted for publication at Journal of Field Robotics .
    Kick-Off of the EU project LogiSmile .
    Seminar at BCN drone center on drone technologies.
    ISRR 2019 paper accepted for publication as Robotics Research book chapter.
    Winner of a Beatriu de Pinós grant.
    Moving to UPC and IRI (Barcelona).
    Conference paper accepted at IROS 2021 (Prague).
    Journal paper accepted for publication at IEEE RA-L with IEEE ICRA 2021 presentation.
    Conference paper accepted for publication at IEEE Aerospace Conference 2021 (Yellowstone).
    New article at IEEE Spectrum .
    Presentation of “Simultaneous Estimation of Pose and Shape of Unknown Space Objects” at ASCEND .
    Conference paper accepted for publication at 17th ISER (Malta).
    Conference paper accepted at IROS 2020 (Las Vegas).
    Conference paper accepted at ASME DSCC 2020 (Pittsburgh).
    JPL Team Bonus Award for the 1rst place at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, Urban circuit.
    1rst place at DARPA Subterranean Challenge, urban competition (Elma, Washington).
    Two conference papers accepted for publication at IEEE ICRA 2020 (Paris).
    Conference paper accepted for publication at IEEE Aerospace Conference 2020 (Yellowstone).
    I got a permanent position at NASA-JPL as Robotics Research Technologist.
    JPL Team Bonus Award for the 2nd place at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, Tunnel circuit.
    2nd place at DARPA Subterranean Challenge, tunnel competition (Pittsburgh).
    Two conference papers accepted for publication at ISRR 2019 (Hanoi).
    Moving to NASA-JPL, Caltech Institute of Technology.
    Three book chapters accepted in a Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR).
    My student J. Marti Saumell defended his excellent master thesis .
    AEROARMS received excellent comments during its 2nd review (Sevilla).
    9th general meeting of AEROARMS project (Roma).
    Journal paper accepted for publication at IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine .
    Full book accepted for publication at Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) .
    Finalist of the Georges Giralt PhD award for the best european thesis in robotics (Tampere).
    Conference paper accepted for publication at ECC 2018 (Cyprus).
    8th general meeting of AEROARMS project (Madrid).
    Journal paper accepted for publication at Autonomous Robots (Springer) .
    7th general meeting of AEROARMS project (Hamburg).
    See you at ICRA 2017 (Singapore).
    6th general meeting of AEROARMS project (Barcelona).
    PhD thesis defended (excellent cum laude).
    Two conference papers accepted for presentation at ICUAS 2017 (Miami).
    Journal paper accepted for publication at IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics .
    AEROARMS received excellent comments during its midterm review (Toulouse).
    The RA-L paper has also been accepted for presentation at ICRA 2017 (Singapore).
    Journal paper accepted for publication at RA-L .
    4th general meeting of AEROARMS project (Napoli).
    Conference paper accepted at IEEE SSRR 2016 (Lausanne).
    3rd general meeting of AEROARMS project (Toulouse).
    I’ll be in Vijay Kumar’s Lab until May (UPenn, Philadelphia).